Sharing some love!
Mis largos años de amistad con el Sr. Papa.
Hay un juguete que he usado en terapia desde mis años en la universidad: El señor Papa. ¡Todos los niños lo conocen, y a todos los niños les encanta! Y hay TANTAS habilidades que se pueden trabajar con él. En este artículo, voy a compartir con ustedes cómo utilizar al Sr. Papa para desarrollar diferentes habilidades del lenguaje. 1. Usar 1-3 palabras para pedir/solicitar Para trabajar esta meta, simplemente tomo una pieza en cada mano y digo algo como: "Aquí tengo una nariz y una boca. ¿Cuál quieres?" Luego, espero a que el niño responda, usando de 1 a 3...
A bear, a gorilla, and new friends!
One of my favorite teaching tools (other than music and play) are books! Books are great to develop children's literacy skills, to teach them new vocabulary and sentence structures, to improve their attention span, and to stimulate their imagination. Here I'll share some of my favorites books, and how I use them in therapy. 1. Brown Bear This is my favorite book to use with small children and non-verbal children. It consists of pictures of animals in different colors, and a very simple and repetitive text. I never READ the book, I just label the animals and make the animals sounds. I also...
My long lasting friendship with Mr. Potato Head
There is one toy I've been using in therapy since grad school: Mr. Potato Head! All kids know him, and all kids love him! And there are SO MANY skills we can target with him! In this article, I will share with you how I use Mr. Potato Head to target different language goals! 1. Use 1-3 word utterances to request To have children use their words to request, I hold 2 items and say something like "I have a nose and a mouth. Which one do you want?" Then, I wait for the child to request using 1 to...
Técnicas para enseñar la R vibrante múltiple
En Español, la R vibrante múltiple es uno de los sonidos más difíciles de adquirir. En este artículo, voy a compartir unas técnicas que mi colega Monica Mizrahi compartió conmigo hace unos meses. -Primero, siempre uso una boca de títere para enseñarle a los niños adonde debe de ir la lengua. -Después, me dedico a trabajar bastante el soplo. Se puede trabajar con velas, moviendo molinos de papel, o soplando en agua con una pajilla (pitillo). -Luego, hacemos los mismos "ejercicios de...
What do moms have to say about Learning with Yaya?
Here is an honest article a happy mom wrote about our Learning with Yaya materials! It is called: 5 reasons why my child loves Learning with Yaya. Another mom talks about her experience using our materials to practice Spanish at home. It is called Bilingual Education, Monolingual Parents. Also, read what the mom behind Born Bilingual has to say about our materials. If you are a mom, and you are familiar with our materials, we would love to hear your opinion too! So please comment below! :) If you liked what you read, join us in our Facebook group: Resources for...